Sunday 22 March 2015


This word in the English language is not possible to pronounce after the tragedies that are taking place one after another, especially in west Bengal. The thing has become more like an accident to the people. They have started to take precautions against it but they fail to stand against it. Decades ago, India was made an independent country and the reason behind were many, hundreds, thousands, lakhs. Their dream was of a free India. They were successful in getting their goal. The situation today was unknown. Some of the people are free, they are independent and they are doing anything they want to. Some are being tortured; they cannot even walk safely on the streets or trust someone. The later are the women and the girls, and the former are a few hungry men fulfilling their desire. They are a few, a very less number in the total population of India, yet so powerful than the rest of the population. 
          Social networking sites were made to use them socially and mix with people and make friends.
They are now used as a threat to the girls and to search for victims.
           Some hypocrite boys starting a conversation on “HOKKOLOROB”    
     Innocent faces come in front of them.
They find the right time, right people and even the plan to get out of it.
They rape two girls of 15 years.
They threat to public their objectionable photographs, if complained to the police.
They leave them after fulfilling their desire.
These boys are also a part of the young India, the youths of India but unfortunately. Millions of youths are proving themselves incapable of fighting with just four boys.
Death penalty would be so less for them, simple painless death will be just a free way to escape.
We have to remember every incident, forgetting them will make them repeat the same thing. We have to keep reminding ourselves and everyone else about it, and millions of curse will shatter them into pieces. They should not die once but a thousand times until they realize for what they are dying. They should live but just as a machine and not as a human being. They must not have any rights as social human beings when they are incapable to recognize other’s rights.
Stand against “Viasmos” fight against “Viastis”.